B.Sc Electrical and Electronic Engineering,  PhD in Electrcal & Computer Engineering , MBA  

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Private Investment


Utilizing mathematical and logical thinking for an investment . It includes data analysis , predicting risk on off time frame analyzing technological stocks , analyzing commodities etc

Senior Staff EngineerHGST, a Western Digital company

HGST, a Western Digital company

Coordinating cross functional multinational teams for achieving target yield during the design cycle.
Data analysis for identifying root cause and predicting potential failures using millions of data.

Firmware stress test analysis

Senior EngineerSeagate Technology

Seagate Technology

Implementing Firmware for high speed PCBA prototypes.
Implementing Encryption algorithms.
Analyzing Data transfer protocols
Implementing soft algorithms,
Implementing predictive methods for incoming parts uncertainties.
Key-member of proposing different algorithms for PCBA design issues , servo actuator and electronic spindle controller
Identifying suitable robust hardware designs for mass (more than a million ) production.
Digital filter design verification for high bandwidth control systems,

Guest Scientist


Explored power generation by natural sources such as vibration to monitor and control the flexible systems.
Implemented FPAA control scheme for a flexible systems

Research ScholarNational University of Singapore

National University of Singapore

PhD Student. & Graduate Tutor
Revisited the digital filter design for required specifications
Proposed novel and simple digital control algorithms for resource limited systems.


Honors & Awards

  • Track & Field Medals
  • Varsity BasketBall
  • Table Tennis player
  • Badminton Player
  • Trained Martial Arts person
  • By Japan - International Ashihara Karate Organization
  • Solo Classic and Folk Guitarist . Best team performance during Guitar festival
  • By Japanese Guitar School
  • Salsa Meringue Bachatta Lattin Dancer
  • Senior Explorer
  • 2.4Km Gold award winner by Singapore sports council

Additional Honors & Awards

1.Suggestions implemented in SBB-Switzerland and the Business school located in the Switzerland
2..Coordinated and achieved more than 96% first time yield in computer peripheral industries.
3. Developed new methods for digital filter design
4..Have two co-authored patents
5. Private investments and gained more than 20% of the investment using data analysis
6. Solved unsolved issues existed in firmware more than

7. Awarded for sports and music



Patents :
Co-authored two patents , information will be released upon request.

Thinking out of the  box :

Revisiting the digital filter design  by nonconventional way   ( for more refer  innovative ideas)

Low Power environment design

Different methods of Power harvesting from environmental resources and applications

Journal Publications


1. T. Suthasun, I. Mareels, A. Al Mamun, "System Identification and Controller Design for Dual Actuated Servomechanism",Control Engineering Practice, 2004.

2. A. Al Mamun, T. Suthasun, S.M. Sri-Jayantha, and T.H. Lee, "Robust multi-rate controller for dual actuated servomechanism in hard disk drive", accepted for publication in Control and Intelligent Systems.


Conference Publications


1. A. Al-Mamun, T.H. Lee, Pan Ling, T. Suthasun, "Internal model control for the dual-stage actuator in hard disk drive", Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON’02, Sevilla, Spain, Nov, 2002.

2. A. Al Mamun, T.H. Lee, P. Ling, T. Suthasun, "Design of controller for dual-stage actuator in hard disk drive using internal model approach", World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, Shanghai, China, June 2002.

3. T. Suthasun, I. Mareels, A. Al Mamun, "System identification and control design for dual actuated disk drive", International Conference on Control Technology and Application 2001, Pretoria, South Africa, December 12-15, 2001

4. A. Al Mamun, T.H. Lee, T. Suthasun, "Multi-rate tunable filter and Controller design and implementation for actuators in hard disk drives." 5th International Conference on Mechatronics Technology, Singapore, June 6-8, 2001.

5. A. Al Mamun, T. Suthasun, T.H. Lee, "Simplified multi-rate control for reduced residual vibration - frequency domain analysis", International Conference on Measurement and Control, MECO 2001, Pittsburgh, USA, May 16-18, 2001

6. T. Suthasun, A. Al Mamun, T.H. Lee, "Digital multi-rate control for improved performance in presence of mechanical resonance", Students' Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD, 2001, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 20-22, 2001.